Does anyone with a BBC have preferences/experiences with Chinese girls?


Curious to know what interest there is for Chinese girls in the BBC community.
As a white guy with an asian preference and plenty of experience, I love the interracial aspect of sex. Makes it more exciting.
Don't often see posts on here about chinese chicks.
Any other guys on here have a preference or hot experiences with them?
Generally speaking, I'm not attracted to most Asian women. When I do occasionally see one I like she tends to be Korean, Japanese, Thai, or Filipina. Otherwise, I'm mostly into the white girls and the Latinas.
From my experience with Asian American women as friends and co-workers, I'd say there is no one type. Some appear really interested in professional men with a decent to high income. They seem really into looking just right in terms of fashion, hair, makeup, and jewelry. They seem to prefer white men, although I suppose a Black man who can provide the finer things is an option. Others seem more open to average guys, including Black men. These women seem less concerned about looking just right or looking like a covergirl. Also, some Asian American women seem sexually prim and proper, others seem obsessed with sex. I don't think we can stereotype them.
Most asian women prefer white men and if they can choose, they take white man everytime. Black man and asian woman couples are very rare. Don't let porn fool you.
I tend to agree. I think that Asian women are strategic in their relationships. Despite the stereotypes showing them to be sexually liberated and open to any kink, I find that they look at men for aspects other than sex - things like net worth, profession, education, status, monogamy, respect for her, etc. It's almost like they give sex and a good looking wife/date/gf (they do take extra care of their looks, makeup, fashion, etc) in exchange for the ideal upper-middle-class life. Of course, there are exceptions (I know of one Chinese or Vietnamese American woman who regularly went to the adult theater with her Asian Indian bf to fuck other men; the bf even had a bag of condoms for the guys to use. Was that her idea or the bf's? I don't know. It certainly was hot.). And yeah, some probably are curious about BBC. But, they won't risk losing the upper-middle-class life to satisfy their curiosity. I think a white husband would have to be quite insistent to get his Asian wife into the BBC-cuckold lifestyle. All that being said, there is something hot about an Asian woman getting railed by one or more BBC.